
Yin Yoga

Op maandag , 20:15 - 21:45 uur

Yin yoga is a traditional form of yoga where postures are held between 2-5 minutes or sometimes longer, and sequences are made to target specific meridians and areas of the body in order to balance the one person's unique physical, emotional and spiritual body. Yin Yoga is also a powerful yoga style used to preserve health and guide the body to release traumas and emotional blockages as well as helping with physical recovery.
Albert changes de focus of the class each week, to enhance body mind and soul to find balance and alignment.
Immerse yourself in the mindfulness of yin yoga.

De les wordt gegeven in het Engels door Albert Garcia Ordinas

Naar Zee
Kosten toelichting
Alle volwassenen
ma 4 mei 2020
start / einde
Gestart op ma 4 november 2019. Beƫindigd ma 5 oktober 2020
maximum aantal deelnemers
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