
zondagmiddagconcert pianist Metvey Glukhovskiy in Factor IJ

zondag 11 juni 2023 , 15:00 - 16:30 uur

Metvey Glukhovskiy speelt Haydn, Debussy en Stockhausen in Factor IJ

De klassiek geschoolde pianist Matvey woont op IJburg en studeert aan het Conservatorium van Amsterdam. "I am very happy to invite you to my concert in Factor-IJ art gallery on 11th of June. I am very excited to guide you in discovering the amazing versatile world of classical music of 20th century from very colorful folk-inspired Claude Debussy to very avant-garde Karlheinz Stockhausen and what these composers have in common with one the most influential classical composer from 18th century - Joseph Haydn. I would also be happy to drink coffee and talk with you after the concert if you'd like to do so. Hope to see you there and wish you a great concert!"

Toegangsprijs €10,-. Betalen kan met pin in Factor IJ

Factor IJ
Kosten toelichting
10 euro
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