
Birth preparation course in English - Thrive Yoga Zeeburg

Op vrijdag , 16:00 - 18:00 uur

This course of 4 sessions is designed to help you and your partner (optional) prepare for the birth of your baby, mentally, physically and emotionally. By immersing in the nature of labor, learning it’s characteristics you will be able to work with it and support the unfolding process. The course starts on the 22nd of March, from 16:00 until 18:00 and the following sessions are on the 3 following Fridays. 

Main topics of the 4 sessions will be the following:

1. Roles of hormones through the stages of labour and birth
2. Informed decision making, birth plan, pain management, interventions 
3. Birthing position, comfort measures, breathing techniques
4. The baby is here- breastfeeding, caring for the newborn 

Location: Thrive yoga Zeeburg - Sumatrakade 1 1019 BJ Amsterdam
Date: 22nd of March, 29th of March, 5th of April, 12th of April 16:00 - 18:00
Price: € 160 if you also follow pregnancy yoga classes at Thrive yoga
€ 180 for the birth preparation course only


Thrive yoga Zeeburg -Ā Sumatrakade 1 1019 BJ Amsterdam
Speciaal voor senioren
Gezondheid / welzijnbevalcursus
start / einde
Gestart op vr 22 maart 2019. Beƫindigd vr 12 april 2019
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